Our main strategic trends

In our main strategic documents, we have firmly declared our commitment to - for 170 years now - have a positive impact on the functioning of our planet. This commitment has never been as consistent with the expectations and needs of the stakeholders in our activities as it is today. Thanks to previous development plans, which set our company on a profitable and long-term development path, Veolia has never been so ready to strengthen and expand its activities.

Four strategic trends at Veolia:


We elevate our ambition by committing to multi-faceted performance. That means we focus equally on the various types of performance, including financial performance, commercial performance, social performance, societal performance and environmental performance, all of which complement one another and form a virtuous circle.

Veolia has publicly committed to 18 tangible performance indicators, which cover the five types of performance. The fulfillment of the objectives will be regularly audited and evaluated by a third-party organization. This provides the basis for the variable compensation awarded to Veolia executives.

We are stepping up the pace of growth of our most complex operations, where we boast specialist expertise to bring about the environmental transition.

  • We develop activities that prevent and clean up toxic pollution, such as hazardous waste and industrial process water treatment and soil decontamination
  • We develop activities that help to control the use of key resources and combat the climate imbalance, such as services to enhance energy efficiency of industries and buildings, plastics recycling, refuse-derived fuel production, biodegradable waste recovery and industrial ecology services, including circular economy loops and pooling utilities on industrial parks.
  • We develop adaptation solutions to deal with climate change, such as reusing wastewater and seawater desalination

We reinforce and reinvent our core business activities to enhance their impact and performance.

  • We enrich our water and wastewater services, including innovative sludge management solutions and inclusive solutions to improve access to water, and we reinvent our way of working and deploying our services with our stakeholders, such as governance and consumer relations.
  • We transform the collection of non-hazardous industrial waste, for example through new digital services and a pricing policy established according to the quality of raw materials.
  • We modernize and diversify our energy grid business by transforming coal-powered heating networks through the use of green energy, deploying new services for electricity grids and developing mini heating or cooling networks.

We develop innovative solutions in order to find answers to future demands and needs in advance. We are looking for answers in the following areas:

  • Health and new pollutants: measuring and improving indoor air quality and treating micropollutants found in water
  • New material loops: recycling electric vehicle batteries and electronic waste, capturing and using CO2 and pursuing eco-design with industrial partners
  • Food chain: converting organic waste into organic fertilizers or animal proteins and developing aquaculture, urban agriculture solutions as well as improving the taste of drinking water
  • Adaptation to the consequences of the climate imbalance: managing crises, in particular with our mobile units to prevent rising water levels and droughts, reusing water, preventing flooding and protecting urban cooling islands
  • New energy services: improving electric flexibility and demand management, including virtual power plants and energy storage, and developing microgrids
  • New digital services: developing supervision centers for plants and treatment facilities, web-based waste management platforms, artificial intelligence to sort waste and incubation platforms for social entrepreneurs